Āhua Gallery

Āhua Gallery offers a bespoke collection of Māori taonga, hand crafted by our master carvers, weavers and students of The New Zealand Māori Arts & Crafts Institute.

Te Rito o Rotowhio

Te Wānanga Whakairo Rākau

Te Takapū o Rotowhio

Te Takapū o Rotowhio

Honoring the Living Legacy of Māori Art and Culture


Meet our master carvers and weavers who continue to uphold the ancient practices of whakairo and raranga, creating intracate narratives of our ancestors and vividly bringing them to life.

Kingi Aupouri

This month we celebrate our star tauira, Kingi Aupouri. His inspiring passion for the arts and his tireless dedication to mastering the chisel deserves to be aknowledged. Kingi is fast becoming a dependable backbone of Te Wānanga Whakairo Rākau through his impressive attendance record and impecable grades.

Click the link below to see any available pieces by Kingi.

Commission a Project

From sentimental family keep-sakes to significant large scale projects, we can design, create and deliver your taonga.

The New Zealand Māori Arts and Crafts Institute has produced many world renowned taonga over the years. These commissioned pieces were NZMACI designed, carved, and crafted by our masters using authentic Māori techniques, which align with the kaupapa of the commissioned piece.

If you would like to commission a taonga, please click the 'Commission a Project' button above. Once you have submitted this form, someone from the Āhua team will be in touch with you to discuss the process, including a quote and an indication of timing.

We appriciate your enquiry.

Built with Dorik